Wednesday, November 16, 2016

We have been, over the past week, improving our rigs that hold our solenoids and allow them to work on our guitar. We got our battery so we got all of our solenoids hooked up and working, we 3D printed the parts we needed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Update Week 7

We have received our solenoids in the mail for chords and acquired a guitar for our instrument's base. We are working on SolidWorks parts for the solenoids to push down three strings each; we wish to 3d print these, potentially through the ExCITe Lab. We modified our design for the strum mechanism so a solenoid will push six guitar pics (one for each string), Some of the chords don't strum all the strings so some of the pics will be attached to mini servos (acquired by the ECE desk) mounted on the solenoid.